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want to Talk?
Do you have an opinion or just want to talk? Feel free to email us at
If you are an employee of our organization and wish to participate and collaborate on this endeavor, please include your name and base assignment just so that we can verify you have a vested interest in advancing this project. We also want to hear your questions about the organization process! We have a Questions & Answers page but still need to hear more from you!
If you happen to be a member of a similar organization who is interested as well; please reach out just the same! All are welcome, we just need to know where our discussions will lead.
You have our assurance that all names and contact information will be kept confidential to the best of our ability and that we aren't snitches or bad people!
Would you like to contact the TWU directly to ask questions?
You can do that in the frame below or by going to
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